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  • Acryl Coat grey RAL7040 400ml TROTON

    5,62 €

    Acrylic spray lacquer based on high quality acrylic resin. It is a very durable product, quick-drying, resistant to weather conditions. It is characterized by high gloss.


    The product can be applied directly to all metal surfaces (except stainless steel), wood, concrete, brick.

    The surface to be coated should be clean, dry and degreased.

    Splashes of old varnish and rust should be removed beforehand and the surface sanded.

    Good surface preparation is necessary to achieve the best repair results.

    Application process

    • Informacja
    • Application

      Can be applied directly to all metal surfaces (except stainless steel), wood, concrete, brick.
      Cover areas that are to remain unpainted.
      Before use, shake the container for about 2 – 3 minutes and make a test spray.
      Apply from a distance of about 25 cm.
      Apply one or two layers as needed.
      After finishing the application, it is recommended to set the aerosol with the valve down and press the button releasing the content for about 5 seconds – this will improve the re-use of the product and preserve its existing properties, as well as protect the nozzle from possible clogging.

      Note: for safety purposes, always follow the data on the Material Safety Data Sheet for the product.

      Coverage: 1 to 2 coats, depending on the thickness of the layer
      Coating thickness: 50 to 100 μm wet film (depending on surface texture)
      Drying times at 20°C*:
      dust dry: after about 5 to 8 minutes
      touch dry: after about 60 minutes
      fully dry: after about 24 hours

      *Drying time depends on temperature, humidity and film thickness


    Tallinn warehouse

    Available: more than 5

          • TROTON
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